Monday, November 23, 2009

AMA: Suburb Eating Robot

Andrew Maynard Architects: The Suburb Eating Robot

Andrew Maynard, is an architect based in Melbourne Australia, raised and educated in Tasmania. His firm, Andrew Maynard Architects (AMA), was established in 2002 and is quickly being recognised for his unique work and experimental conceptual designs. The grounded ethics and morals which surround Andrews work are a refreshing inspiration to both students and the profession. The project below is CV08, or the suburb eating robot, and I quote: "the CV08. CV08 is a robot that consumes the abandoned suburbs through its front 2 legs. It processes the materials and fires off compacted recycling missiles to awaiting recycling plants. CV08’s middle legs and one rear leg follow the front legs to terra-form the newly revealed earth with native Flora and Fauna. Vast stocks of the Flora and Fauna are stored within CV08 in carbonite sleep until they are required to colonise what was previously suburban wasteland".

So that's that sorted then.

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